Cook book written in Java
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

93 lines
2.3 KiB

  1. <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
  2. xsi:schemaLocation="">
  3. <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
  4. <groupId>ksiazka.kucharska</groupId>
  5. <artifactId>ksiazka-kucharska</artifactId>
  6. <version>1.0</version>
  7. <packaging>jar</packaging>
  8. <name>ksiazka-kucharska</name>
  9. <url></url>
  10. <properties>
  11. <>UTF-8</>
  12. </properties>
  13. <dependencies>
  14. <dependency>
  15. <groupId>junit</groupId>
  16. <artifactId>junit</artifactId>
  17. <version>4.11</version>
  18. <scope>test</scope>
  19. </dependency>
  20. <dependency>
  21. <groupId>org.xerial</groupId>
  22. <artifactId>sqlite-jdbc</artifactId>
  23. <version>3.7.2</version>
  24. </dependency>
  25. </dependencies>
  26. <build>
  27. <resources>
  28. <resource>
  29. <directory>.</directory>
  30. <includes>
  31. <include>no_img_recipe.jpg</include>
  32. </includes>
  33. </resource>
  34. </resources>
  35. <plugins>
  36. <plugin>
  37. <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
  38. <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
  39. <version>2.3.2</version>
  40. <configuration>
  41. <source>${jdk.version}</source>
  42. <target>${jdk.version}</target>
  43. </configuration>
  44. </plugin>
  45. <!--
  46. <plugin>
  47. <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
  48. <artifactId>maven-jar-plugin</artifactId>
  49. <version>2.4</version>
  50. <configuration>
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  52. <manifest>
  53. <mainClass>ksiazka.kucharska.App</mainClass>
  54. </manifest>
  55. </archive>
  56. </configuration>
  57. </plugin>-->
  58. <plugin>
  59. <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
  60. <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId>
  61. <executions>
  62. <execution>
  63. <goals>
  64. <goal>attached</goal>
  65. </goals>
  66. <phase>package</phase>
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  69. <descriptorRef>jar-with-dependencies</descriptorRef>
  70. </descriptorRefs>
  71. <archive>
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  73. <mainClass>ksiazka.kucharska.App</mainClass>
  74. </manifest>
  75. </archive>
  76. </configuration>
  77. </execution>
  78. </executions>
  79. </plugin>
  80. </plugins>
  81. </build>
  82. </project>