A new, object-oriented, better vesion of μForum
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

23 lines
398 B

function buildURL($URI, $https = false)
$url = 'http';
if ($https && USE_HTTPS)
$url .= 's';
$url .= '://'.FORUM_DOMAIN;
if ($https && USE_HTTPS && HTTPS_PORT != 443)
$url .= ':'.HTTPS_PORT;
if ((!$https || !USE_HTTPS) && HTTP_PORT != 80)
$url .= ':'.HTTP_PORT;
if (strpos($URI, FORUM_PATH) === 0)
$url .= $URI;
$url .= FORUM_PATH.'/'.$URI;
return $url;