2a335e9improved data filtering in controllers by
PioDer2015-02-16 19:59:00 +0100
8354bd5several updates in admin controller (buildURL) implemented two new functions (variable cleaning) to use in future by
PioDer2015-02-15 23:32:03 +0100
5899fffreplaced strip_tags() by htmlspecialchars() in most of POST variables added stripslashes() to POST variables while form is not sent by
PioDer2015-02-15 22:42:46 +0100
9bae462added feature: stick/unstick topic by
PioDer2015-02-15 17:27:06 +0100
a542813implemented buildURL() function (and fixed redirecting on https page) added comments block (file description) in each PHP file by
PioDer2015-02-15 14:33:02 +0100
79034dddeleted avatars fixed deleting avatars while user deleting by
PioDer2015-02-14 12:12:51 +0100
12cd588initial commit with snapshot 20140213 by
PioDer2015-02-14 12:01:53 +0100