- <?php
- /**
- * @package uForum2
- * @file inc/controllers/MainController.class.php
- * @copyright 2007-2015 (c) PioDer
- * @link http://www.pioder.pl/
- * @license see LICENSE.txt
- **/
- require ('./inc/controller.class.php');
- class MainController extends Controller
- {
- public function loadDefault()
- {
- $this->main();
- }
- private function loadDependencies() // zależności (sesje itp)
- {
- $this->loadModel('SessionModel'); //initalizing session
- $this->loadModel('ConfigModel'); //overall forum configuration
- $this->loadView('MainView');
- $this->getView('MainView')->putExistingModel('SessionModel', $this->getModel('SessionModel'));
- $this->getView('MainView')->putExistingModel('ConfigModel', $this->getModel('ConfigModel'));
- //przekierowanie!
- if ($_GET['mode'] == 'editprofile' || $_GET['mode'] == 'register' || $_GET['mode'] == 'login')
- {
- if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME'] != 'https' && USE_HTTPS)
- $this->forward(buildURL($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], true));
- }
- else
- if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME'] != 'http')
- $this->forward(buildURL($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
- }
- public function main()
- {
- $this->loadDependencies();
- $this->loadModel('UsersModel');
- $this->getView('MainView')->main();
- }
- public function viewforum()
- {
- $this->loadDependencies();
- $this->loadModel('ForumsModel');
- get_clean('id', $this->db);
- $f = $this->getModel('ForumsModel')->getForum($_GET['id']);
- if ($f == null)
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('Forum does not exist!', buildURL('index.php'));
- else
- {
- $this->getView('MainView')->putExistingModel('ForumsModel', $this->getModel('ForumsModel'));
- $this->getView('MainView')->viewforum();
- }
- }
- public function userlist()
- {
- $this->loadDependencies();
- if (isset($_GET['rank']))
- {
- switch ($_GET['rank'])
- {
- case 'admin':
- $_GET['rank'] = RANK_ADMIN;
- break;
- case 'mod':
- $_GET['rank'] = RANK_MOD;
- break;
- case 'user':
- $_GET['rank'] = RANK_USER;
- break;
- default:
- $_GET['rank'] = '';
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- $_GET['rank'] = '';
- post_default('sort_type', 'regdate');
- $allowed_sorting = array('regdate', 'lastvisit', 'nick', 'post_count');
- if (!in_array($_POST['sort_type'], $allowed_sorting))
- $_POST['sort_type'] = 'regdate';
- $_POST['sort_desc'] = (isset($_POST['sort_desc'])) ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
- $this->getView('MainView')->userlist();
- }
- public function viewtopic()
- {
- $this->loadDependencies();
- $this->loadModel('PostsModel');
- get_clean('id', $this->db);
- $t = $this->getModel('PostsModel')->getTopic($_GET['id']);
- if ($t == null)
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('Topic does not exist!', buildURL('index.php'));
- else
- {
- $this->getView('MainView')->putExistingModel('PostsModel', $this->getModel('PostsModel'));
- $this->getView('MainView')->viewtopic();
- }
- }
- public function newtopic()
- {
- $this->posting(POSTING_NEWTOPIC);
- }
- public function reply()
- {
- $this->posting(POSTING_REPLY);
- }
- public function editpost()
- {
- $this->posting(POSTING_EDIT);
- }
- public function quote()
- {
- $this->posting(POSTING_QUOTE);
- }
- public function moderate()
- {
- $this->loadDependencies();
- $this->loadModel('PostsModel');
- $this->loadModel('ForumsModel');
- get_clean('id', $this->db);
- get_clean('submode', $this->db, false);
- if (!$this->getModel('SessionModel')->isLogged())
- {
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('You are not logged.', buildURL('index.php?mode=login', true));
- $lockv = true;
- }
- if ($this->getModel('SessionModel')->getRank() == RANK_USER && !isset($lockv))
- {
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('Only mods have access to this menu', buildURL('index.php'));
- $lockv = true;
- }
- //sprawdź czy wątek/post istnieje
- if (!isset($lockv))
- switch($_GET['submode'])
- {
- case 'deletetopic':
- case 'locktopic':
- case 'sticktopic':
- case 'movetopic':
- $t = $this->getModel('PostsModel')->getTopic($_GET['id']);
- if ($t == null)
- {
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('Topic does not exist!', buildURL('index.php'));
- $lockv = true;
- }
- break;
- case 'deletepost':
- $p = $this->getModel('PostsModel')->getPost($_GET['id']);
- if ($p == null)
- {
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('Post does not exist!', buildURL('index.php'));
- $lockv = true;
- }
- else
- {
- $t = $this->getModel('PostsModel')->getTopic($p['topic_id']);
- if ($t['post_count'] == 1)
- {
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('If topic has only one post, use <span style="font-weight: bold">delete topic</span> option.', buildURL('index.php?mode=viewtopic&id='.$p['topic_id']), 3);
- $lockv = true;
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('Invalid mode', buildURL('index.php'));
- $lockv = true;
- break;
- }
- //wysyłanie formularza
- if (isset($_POST['confirmed']) && !isset($lockv))
- {
- if (!isset($_POST['rejected']))
- {
- switch($_GET['submode'])
- {
- case 'deletepost':
- $this->getModel('PostsModel')->deletePost($_GET['id']);
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('Post deleted. Redirecting...', buildURL('index.php?mode=viewtopic&id='.$p['topic_id']));
- break;
- case 'deletetopic':
- $this->getModel('PostsModel')->deleteTopic($_GET['id']);
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('Topic deleted. Redirecting...', buildURL('index.php?mode=viewforum&id='.$t['forum_id']));
- break;
- case 'locktopic':
- if ($t['topic_locked'] == false)
- {
- $this->getModel('PostsModel')->lockTopic($_GET['id']);
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('Topic locked. Redirecting...', buildURL('index.php?mode=viewtopic&id='.$_GET['id']));
- }
- else
- {
- $this->getModel('PostsModel')->lockTopic($_GET['id'], false);
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('Topic unlocked. Redirecting...', buildURL('index.php?mode=viewtopic&id='.$_GET['id']));
- }
- break;
- case 'sticktopic':
- if ($t['topic_sticky'] == false)
- {
- $this->getModel('PostsModel')->stickTopic($_GET['id']);
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('Topic sticked. Redirecting...', buildURL('index.php?mode=viewtopic&id='.$_GET['id']));
- }
- else
- {
- $this->getModel('PostsModel')->stickTopic($_GET['id'], false);
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('Topic unsticked. Redirecting...', buildURL('index.php?mode=viewtopic&id='.$_GET['id']));
- }
- break;
- case 'movetopic':
- if ($this->getModel('ForumsModel')->getForum($_POST['forum_id']) == null)
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('Forum does not exist!', buildURL('index.php?mode=viewtopic&id='.$_GET['id']));
- else
- {
- $this->getModel('PostsModel')->moveTopic($_GET['id'], $_POST['forum_id']);
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('Topic moved. Redirecting...', buildURL('index.php?mode=viewtopic&id='.$_GET['id']));
- }
- break;
- }
- $lockv = true;
- }
- else
- {
- switch ($_GET['submode'])
- {
- case 'deletetopic':
- case 'locktopic':
- case 'sticktopic':
- case 'movetopic':
- $this->forward(buildURL('index.php?mode=viewtopic&id='.$_GET['id']));
- break;
- case 'deletepost':
- $this->forward(buildURL('index.php?mode=viewtopic&id='.$p['topic_id']));
- }
- }
- }
- if (!isset($lockv))
- switch($_GET['submode'])
- {
- case 'deletepost':
- $this->getView('MainView')->confirm_action('Do you really want delete post <span style="font-weight: bold">#'.$_GET['id'].'</span>?');
- break;
- case 'deletetopic':
- $this->getView('MainView')->confirm_action('Do you really want delete topic <span style="font-weight: bold">#'.$_GET['id'].'</span> with all posts? This operation cannot undone.');
- break;
- case 'locktopic':
- if ($t['topic_locked'] == false)
- $this->getView('MainView')->confirm_action('Do you want lock topic <span style="font-weight: bold">#'.$_GET['id'].'</span>?');
- else
- $this->getView('MainView')->confirm_action('Do you want unlock topic <span style="font-weight: bold">#'.$_GET['id'].'</span>?');
- break;
- case 'sticktopic':
- if ($t['topic_sticky'] == false)
- $this->getView('MainView')->confirm_action('Do you want stick topic <span style="font-weight: bold">#'.$_GET['id'].'</span>?');
- else
- $this->getView('MainView')->confirm_action('Do you want unstick topic <span style="font-weight: bold">#'.$_GET['id'].'</span>?');
- break;
- case 'movetopic':
- $this->getView('MainView')->putExistingModel('PostsModel', $this->getModel('PostsModel'));
- $this->getView('MainView')->move_topic();
- break;
- }
- }
- public function posting($type)
- {
- $this->loadDependencies();
- $this->loadModel('PostsModel');
- $this->loadModel('ForumsModel');
- $msg = '';
- get_clean('id', $this->db);
- if (!$this->getModel('SessionModel')->isLogged())
- {
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('You are not logged.', buildURL('index.php?mode=login', true));
- $lockv = true;
- }
- if (!isset($lockv))
- switch($type)
- {
- case POSTING_NEWTOPIC: //checking if forum exists and is not locked
- $f = $this->getModel('ForumsModel')->getForum($_GET['id']);
- if ($f == null)
- {
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('Forum does not exist!', buildURL('index.php'));
- $lockv = true;
- }
- else
- if ($f['locked'] == true)
- {
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('Forum is locked', buildURL('index.php?mode=viewforum&id='.$_GET['id']));
- $lockv = true;
- }
- break;
- case POSTING_REPLY: //checking if topic exists
- $t = $this->getModel('PostsModel')->getTopic($_GET['id']);
- if ($t == null)
- {
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('Topic does not exist!', buildURL('index.php'));
- $lockv = true;
- }
- else
- {
- if ($t['forum_locked'] == true && $this->getModel('SessionModel')->getRank() < RANK_MOD)
- {
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('Forum is locked', buildURL('index.php?mode=viewtopic&id='.$t['topic_id']));
- $lockv = true;
- }
- if ($t['topic_locked'] == true && $this->getModel('SessionModel')->getRank() < RANK_MOD)
- {
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('Topic is locked', buildURL('index.php?mode=viewtopic&id='.$t['topic_id']));
- $lockv = true;
- }
- if ($type == POSTING_QUOTE)
- {
- get_clean('q', $this->db);
- $qp = $this->getModel('PostsModel')->getPost($_GET['q']);
- if ($qp == null)
- {
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('Invalid quoted post', buildURL('index.php?mode=viewtopic&id='.$t['topic_id']));
- $lockv = true;
- }
- else
- {
- if ($qp['topic_id'] != $_GET['id'])
- {
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('Invalid quoted post', buildURL('index.php?mode=viewtopic&id='.$t['topic_id']));
- $lockv = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- $p = $this->getModel('PostsModel')->getPost($_GET['id']);
- if ($p == null)
- {
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('Post does not exist!', buildURL('index.php'));
- $lockv = true;
- }
- else
- {
- $t = $this->getModel('PostsModel')->getTopic($p['topic_id']);
- if ($t['forum_locked'] == true && $this->getModel('SessionModel')->getRank() < RANK_MOD)
- {
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('Forum is locked', buildURL('index.php?mode=viewtopic&id='.$t['topic_id']));
- $lockv = true;
- }
- if ($t['topic_locked'] == true && $this->getModel('SessionModel')->getRank() < RANK_MOD)
- {
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('Topic is locked', buildURL('index.php?mode=viewtopic&id='.$t['topic_id']));
- $lockv = true;
- }
- $first = $this->getModel('PostsModel')->getFirstPost($t['topic_id']);
- if ($first['post_id'] == $_GET['id'])
- if ($p['user_id'] != $this->getModel('SessionModel')->getID() && $this->getModel('SessionModel')->getRank() < RANK_MOD)
- {
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('You can edit only own posts', buildURL('index.php?mode=viewtopic&id='.$t['topic_id']));
- $lockv = true;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- //posting a HTML form --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (isset($_POST['post']) && !isset($_POST['preview']) && !isset($lockv))
- {
- post_clean('post', $this->db, array('spchars'));
- if ($type == POSTING_NEWTOPIC || $type == POSTING_EDITTOPIC) //walidacja tytułu tematu (add, edit)
- {
- post_clean('topic', $this->db, array('spchars'));
- if (strlen($_POST['topic']) < 3)
- $msg .= 'Topic title is too short (min 3 characters)<br>';
- }
- if (strlen($_POST['post']) < 3)
- $msg .= 'Post content is too short (min 3 characters)<br>';
- if ($msg == null)
- {
- switch ($type)
- {
- case POSTING_NEWTOPIC: //akcje dodania nowego tematu
- $topic_id = $this->getModel('PostsModel')->addTopic($_POST['topic'], $_POST['post'], $_GET['id'], $this->getModel('SessionModel')->getID());
- if ($topic_id != null)
- {
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('Topic created, Redirecting...', buildURL('index.php?mode=viewtopic&id='.$topic_id));
- $lockv = true;
- }
- else
- $msg .= 'Something went wrong, try again.';
- break;
- $this->getModel('PostsModel')->changePost($_GET['id'], $_POST['post']);
- if ($type == POSTING_EDITTOPIC)
- $this->getModel('PostsModel')->changeTopic($t['topic_id'], $_POST['topic']);
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('Post edited. Redirecting to topic...', buildURL('index.php?mode=viewtopic&id='.$t['topic_id']));
- $lockv = true;
- break;
- $this->getModel('PostsModel')->addPost($_GET['id'], $this->getModel('SessionModel')->getID(), $_POST['post']);
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('Reply saved. Redirecting to topic...', buildURL('index.php?mode=viewtopic&id='.$_GET['id']));
- $lockv = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!isset($lockv))
- {
- switch ($type)
- {
- post_default('post', '');
- break;
- post_default('post', $p['content']);
- post_default('topic', $t['topic_title']);
- break;
- post_default('post', $p['content']);
- break;
- $quote = ($qp['nick'] != null) ? '='.$qp['nick'] : '';
- post_default('post', '[quote'.$quote.']'.$qp['content'].'[/quote]');
- break;
- }
- if ($type == POSTING_NEWTOPIC)
- post_default('topic', '');
- $this->getView('MainView')->putExistingModel('PostsModel', $this->getModel('PostsModel'));
- $this->getView('MainView')->putExistingModel('ForumsModel', $this->getModel('ForumsModel'));
- $this->getView('MainView')->posting_form($type, $msg);
- }
- }
- public function myprofile()
- {
- $this->loadDependencies();
- if (!$this->getModel('SessionModel')->isLogged())
- $this->forward('index.php');
- else
- $this->forward(buildURL('index.php?mode=viewprofile&id='.$this->getModel('SessionModel')->getID()));
- }
- public function viewprofile()
- {
- $this->loadDependencies();
- $this->loadModel('UsersModel');
- $this->getView('MainView')->putExistingModel('UsersModel', $this->getModel('UsersModel'));
- get_clean('id', $this->db);
- if ($this->getModel('UsersModel')->getUserInformation($_GET['id']) == null)
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('User does not exist!', buildURL('index.php'));
- else
- {
- $this->getView('MainView')->viewprofile();
- }
- }
- public function editprofile()
- {
- $this->loadDependencies();
- $this->loadModel('UsersModel');
- $user_info = $this->getModel('UsersModel')->getUserInformation($this->getModel('SessionModel')->getID(), true);
- if (!$this->getModel('SessionModel')->isLogged())
- {
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('You are not logged.', buildURL('index.php?mode=login', true));
- }
- else
- {
- $msg = '';
- if (isset($_POST['nick'], $_POST['passwd'], $_POST['passwd_confirm'], $_POST['email']))
- {
- //secure pools
- post_clean('nick', $this->db, array('spchars'));
- post_clean('passwd_old', $this->db, array());
- post_clean('passwd', $this->db, array());
- post_clean('passwd_confirm', $this->db, array());
- post_clean('email', $this->db);
- post_clean('location', $this->db, array('spchars'));
- post_clean('signature', $this->db, array('spchars'));
- if ($_POST['email'] != $user_info['email'] || $_POST['passwd'] != '')
- {
- if ($this->getModel('UsersModel')->generatePasswordHash($user_info['nick'], $_POST['passwd_old']) != $user_info['password'])
- $msg .= 'Old password is incorrect!<br>';
- }
- if ($_POST['passwd'] != '')
- {
- if (strlen($_POST['passwd']) < 8)
- $msg .= 'Password is too short (min 8 characters)<br>';
- if ($_POST['passwd'] != $_POST['passwd_confirm'])
- $msg .= 'Password do not match!<br>';
- }
- //check if avatar is uploaded
- if ($_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name'] != null)
- {
- global $allowed_avatars;
- $image_size = @getimagesize($_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name']);
- if ($image_size == null)
- $msg .= 'Type of uploaded file are not allowed.<br>';
- else
- if (!in_array($image_size['mime'], $allowed_avatars))
- $msg .= 'Type of uploaded avatar is not supported.<br>';
- else
- if ($image_size[0] > 120 || $image_size[1] > 150)
- $msg .= 'Uploaded avatar is too big (maximum 120x150 px).<br>';
- }
- if (!filter_var($_POST['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL))
- $msg .= 'Email is incorrect<br>';
- if ($msg == '')
- {
- if ($_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name'] != null && !isset($_POST['delete_avatar'])) //change an avatar
- {
- if ($user_info['avatar'] != '')
- unlink('./'.$user_info['avatar']);
- $ext = pathinfo($_FILES['avatar']['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
- $av = 'images/avatars/'.$this->getModel('SessionModel')->getID().'.'.$ext;
- move_uploaded_file($_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name'], './'.$av);
- }
- else
- if (isset($_POST['delete_avatar']))
- {
- unlink('./'.$user_info['avatar']);
- $av = '';
- }
- else
- $av = $user_info['avatar']; //if new avatar is not set
- if ($_POST['passwd'] != '')
- $this->getModel('UsersModel')->changeUserPassword($this->getModel('SessionModel')->getID(), $user_info['nick'], $_POST['passwd']);
- $this->getModel('UsersModel')->updateUserProfile($this->getModel('SessionModel')->getID(), '', $_POST['email'], $_POST['location'], $_POST['signature'], $av);
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('Your profile has changed.', buildURL('index.php?mode=viewprofile&id='.$this->getModel('SessionModel')->getID()));
- $lockv = true;
- }
- }
- post_default('nick', $user_info['nick']);
- post_default('email', $user_info['email']);
- post_default('location', $user_info['location']);
- post_default('signature', $user_info['signature']);
- $this->getView('MainView')->putExistingModel('UsersModel', $this->getModel('UsersModel'));
- if (!isset($lockv))
- $this->getView('MainView')->edprofile_form($msg);
- }
- }
- public function logout()
- {
- $this->loadDependencies();
- if (!$this->getModel('SessionModel')->isLogged())
- $this->forward('index.php');
- $this->getModel('SessionModel')->deleteSession();
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('You are logged out.', buildURL('index.php'));
- }
- public function login()
- {
- $this->loadDependencies();
- $this->loadModel('BansModel');
- $this->loadModel('UsersModel');
- if ($this->getModel('SessionModel')->isLogged())
- $this->forward(buildURL('index.php'));
- $msg = '';
- if (isset($_POST['nick'], $_POST['passwd']))
- {
- //secure pools
- post_clean('nick', $this->db);
- $_POST['passwd'] = $this->getModel('UsersModel')->generatePasswordHash($_POST['nick'], trim($this->db->real_escape_string($_POST['passwd'])));
- $userinfo = $this->getModel('SessionModel')->tryGetUser($_POST['nick'], $_POST['passwd']);
- if (count($userinfo) == 0)
- $msg = 'Invalid username or password.';
- if ($msg == '')
- {
- $ban_info = $this->getModel('BansModel')->getUserBan($userinfo['user_id']);
- if ($ban_info == null)
- {
- $this->getModel('SessionModel')->registerNewSession($userinfo['user_id']);
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('You are logged as: <span style="font-weight: bold">'.$userinfo['nick'].'</span>', buildURL('index.php'));
- }
- else
- {
- $reason = ($ban_info['reason'] != '') ? '<br>Reason: <span style="font-style: italic">'.$ban_info['reason'].'</span>' : '';
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('You are banned!'.$reason);
- }
- $lockv = true;
- }
- }
- post_default('nick', '');
- if (!isset($lockv))
- $this->getView('MainView')->login_form($msg);
- }
- public function register()
- {
- $this->loadDependencies();
- $this->loadModel('UsersModel');
- if ($this->getModel('SessionModel')->isLogged())
- $this->forward('index.php');
- $msg = '';
- if (isset($_POST['nick'], $_POST['passwd'], $_POST['passwd_confirm'], $_POST['email']))
- {
- //secure pools
- post_clean('nick', $this->db);
- post_clean('passwd', $this->db, array());
- post_clean('passwd_confirm', $this->db, array());
- post_clean('email', $this->db);
- if (strlen($_POST['nick']) < 3)
- $msg .= 'Nick is too short (min 3 characters)<br>';
- if (strlen($_POST['passwd']) < 8)
- $msg .= 'Password is too short (min 8 characters)<br>';
- if (!filter_var($_POST['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL))
- $msg .= 'Email is incorrect<br>';
- if ($this->getModel('UsersModel')->nickExists($_POST['nick']) == true)
- $msg .= 'Nick is in use. Type another one.<br>';
- if ($_POST['passwd'] != $_POST['passwd_confirm'])
- $msg .= 'Password do not match';
- if ($msg == '')
- {
- $this->getModel('UsersModel')->createNewUser($_POST['nick'], $_POST['passwd'], $_POST['email']);
- $this->getView('MainView')->forum_message('Your account has created. Log in to write new posts.', buildURL('index.php'), 3);
- $lockv = true;
- }
- }
- post_default('nick', '');
- post_default('email', '');
- if (!isset($lockv))
- $this->getView('MainView')->register_form($msg);
- }
- public function checknick()
- {
- $this->loadModel('UsersModel');
- if (!isset($_GET['nick']))
- $_GET['nick'] = '';
- $_GET['nick'] = trim($this->db->real_escape_string(strip_tags($_GET['nick'])));
- if ($this->getModel('UsersModel')->nickExists($_GET['nick']) == true)
- echo 'true';
- else
- echo 'false';
- }
- }
- ?>