A lightweight forum engine written in PHP. Repository is now obsolete and read-only. http://www.pioder.pl/uforum.html
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

109 lines
2.6 KiB

* @package uForum
* @file includes/db.php
* @version $Id$
* @copyright 2009(c) PioDer <[email protected]>
* @link http://pioder.gim2przemysl.int.pl/
* @license GNU GPL v3
if ( !defined('IN_uF') )
die('Hacking attempt');
class DataBase
function db_connect()
global $db;
$db = new mysqli(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS);
if (mysqli_connect_errno() != 0)
message_die(CRITICAL,' Could not connect to database server.',$db->error);
if (!$db->set_charset("UTF8"))
message_die(CRITICAL, 'Could not set character set UTF-8', $db->error);
if (!$db->select_db(DB_NAME))
message_die(CRITICAL,' Could not select database.', $db->error);
function sql_query($sql, $type, $msg, $no_count = false)
global $db;
if (isset($_COOKIE['queries']))
$no_count = false;
$_COOKIE['queries'] = $_COOKIE['queries']+1;
//echo '<span class="fsmall">'.$sql.'<br></span>'; //for optimizing only
if (!$query = $db->query($sql))
message_die($type, $msg, $db->error);
return $query;
function fetch($query)
return $query->fetch_assoc();
function num_rows($query)
// return $query->num_rows;
if ($query===true || $query===false)
return 0;
return mysqli_num_rows($query);
function new_id($table)
global $db;
//check table id
case BANLIST_TABLE: { $id = 'b_id'; break; }
case CATS_TABLE: { $id = 'c_id'; break; }
case CENSORLIST_TABLE: { $id = 'w_id'; break; }
case FORUMS_TABLE: { $id = 'f_id'; break; }
case GROUPS_TABLE: { $id = 'g_id'; break; }
case PM_INBOX_TABLE: { $id = 'm_id'; break; }
case PM_SENTBOX_TABLE: { $id = 'm_id'; break; }
case POSTS_TABLE: { $id = 'p_id'; break; }
case TOPICS_TABLE: { $id = 't_id'; break; }
case SESSIONS_TABLE: { $id = 's_id'; break; }
case SKINS_TABLE: { $id = 's_id'; break; }
case SMILES_TABLE: { $id = 's_id'; break; }
case USERS_TABLE: { $id = 'u_id'; break; }
case USERS_GROUP_TABLE: { $id = 'id'; break; }
case WARNINGS_TABLE: { $id = 'w_id'; break; }
$sql = "SELECT `$id` FROM $table ORDER BY `$id` DESC LIMIT 1";
$return_id = DataBase::fetch(DataBase::sql_query($sql,GENERAL,'Error with obtain last id.<br> File: db.php, Line: '.__LINE__));
$return_id = $return_id[$id];
$return_id = $return_id+1;
return $return_id;
unset($table, $return_id, $id, $sql);