A lightweight forum engine written in PHP. Repository is now obsolete and read-only. http://www.pioder.pl/uforum.html
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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2.6 KiB

<table class="maintable" width="<?= TABLES_WIDTH; ?>">
<td width="245" class="beam" valign="top" align="center">
<? echo $skin['lavatar']; ?>
<td width="497" class="fitem" rowspan="4" valign="top">
<span class="fstandard">
<? echo $skin['lstat']; ?>: <img src="images/<?= $skin['stat']?>" alt="online"><br>
<? echo $skin['lregdate']; ?>: <b><? echo $skin['regdate']; ?></b><br>
<? echo $skin['llastvisit']; ?>: <b><? echo $skin['lastvisit']; ?></b><br>
<? echo $skin['luposts']; ?>: <b><? echo $skin['posts']; ?></b>; <b><? echo $skin['prposts']; ?>%</b> <? echo $skin['lpalf'];?><br>
<? echo $skin['linterests']; ?>: <b> <? echo $skin['interests']; ?></b><br>
<? echo $skin['luserrank']; ?>: <b><? echo $skin['userrank']; ?></b><br>
<? if ($forum_config['allow_warns'] && $forum_config['warns_in_topic']) { ?>
<? echo $skin['lwarns']; ?>: <a href="warns.php?mode=view&amp;id=<?= $skin['u_id']; ?>" class="fstandard" style="color: <?= $skin['warncolor']; ?>"><b><? echo $skin['warnlevel']; ?>%</b></a><br>
<? } ?>
<a href="search.php?content=userposts&amp;u=<?= $skin['u_id']; ?>" class="fstandard"><b><?=$skin['show_topics']?></b></a>
<td width="245" class="fitem" align="center"><? echo $skin['avatar']; ?></td>
<td width="245" class="beam">
<? echo $skin['lcontact']; ?>
<td width="245" class="fitem" align="center">
<a href="pms.php?mode=write&amp;id=<? echo $skin['u_id']; ?>"><img border="0" src="skins/subPurple/images/lng_<? echo $skin['lang']; ?>/pm.gif" onMouseOver="this.style.cursor='hand'; this.src='skins/<?= $default_skin; ?>/images/lng_<?= $default_lang; ?>/pm_active.gif'" 
onMouseOut="this.src='skins/<?= $default_skin; ?>/images/lng_<?= $default_lang; ?>/pm.gif'" alt="pm"></a><br />
<? echo $skin['user_gg']; ?><br />
<? echo $skin['user_email']; ?><br />
<span class="fverysmall">&nbsp;</span>
<table class="maintable" width="<?= TABLES_WIDTH; ?>" style="border-width: 0px">
<td width="17" style="background-image: url('skins/subPurple/images/td_beam_left.gif')"></td>
<td height="14" class="beam" style="background-image: url('skins/subPurple/images/td_beam_top.gif')"><?= $skin['lsig']; ?></td>
<td width="17" style="background-image: url('skins/subPurple/images/td_beam_right.gif')"></td>
<table class="maintable" width="<?= TABLES_WIDTH; ?>" style="border-top: 0px">
<td colspan="2" class="fitem" valign="top">
<span class="fstandard"><? echo $skin['sig']; ?>&nbsp;</span>