* @link http://www.pioder.pl/ * @license see LICENSE.txt **/ if ( !defined('IN_uF') ) { die('Hacking attempt'); } class User { function LastUser() { global $lastuser; $usr = $lastuser['nick']; $uid = $lastuser['u_id']; return ''.$usr.''; } function UserInformation($uid, $inf) { $sql = "SELECT `$inf` FROM ".USERS_TABLE." WHERE u_id='$uid';"; $query = DataBase::sql_query($sql,GENERAL,'Could not obtain user information.'); $result = DataBase::fetch($query); $result = $result[$inf]; return $result; } function UserIdByNick($nick) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM `".USERS_TABLE."` WHERE `nick`='$nick';"; $result = DataBase::fetch(DataBase::sql_query($sql,GENERAL,'Could not obtain user information.')); $result = $result['u_id']; /*if ($result=='') { message_forum('nick failed','admin_groups.php'); }*/ return $result; } function AddToGroup($uid, $gid) { $last= DataBase::new_id(USERS_GROUP_TABLE); $sql = "INSERT INTO `".USERS_GROUP_TABLE."` VALUES ('$last','$uid', '$gid')"; DataBase::sql_query($sql,GENERAL,'Could not add user to group.'); } function DeleteFromGroup($uid, $gid) { $sql = "DELETE FROM `".USERS_GROUP_TABLE."` WHERE `u_id`='$uid' AND `g_id`='$gid'"; DataBase::sql_query($sql,GENERAL,'Could not delete user for group.'); } function LogedAs($sid, $uid) { global $lng; global $userdata; if ($uid>0) { $nick = $userdata['nick']; return(''.$lng['youareloggedas'].' '.$nick.''); } else { return($lng['youarenotlogd']); } } function PostWithForum($posts) { $result2 = TotalPosts(); if($result2>0) { $result3 = ($posts/$result2*100); $result3 = round($result3,2); return($result3); } else { return(0); } } function LastRegVisit($uid, $mode) { global $lng; $result = User::UserInformation($uid,$mode); if ($result=='0') { return($lng['never']); } else { $date = date('d-m-Y, G:i',$result); return($date); } } function UserRank($rank) { global $lng; global $forum_config; switch($rank) { case '0': {$result=$lng['user']; break; } case '1': {$result=''.$lng['mod'].''; break; } case '2': {$result=''.$lng['admin'].''; break; } } return($result); } function RankAdminMod($uid) { if ($uid>0) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".USERS_TABLE." WHERE u_id='$uid'"; $query = DataBase::sql_query($sql,GENERAL,'Could not obtain user`s rank information.'); $result = DataBase::fetch($query); $rank = $result['rank']; if (($rank=='1') or ($rank=='2')) { return '1'; } else { return '0'; } } else { return '0'; } } function UpdateProfile($uid, $gg, $email, $interests, $sig, $avatar, $allow_qr, $allow_email, $allow_gg, $skin, $lang, $limit_tpid, $limit_ftid, $limit_users, $allow_shoutbox) { $sql ="UPDATE `".USERS_TABLE."` SET `gg` = '$gg', `email` = '$email', `allow_gg` = '$allow_gg', `allow_email` = '$allow_email', `allow_qr` = '$allow_qr', `interests` = '$interests', `sig` = '$sig', `avatar` = '$avatar', `skin`='$skin', `lang`='$lang', `limit_tpid` = '$limit_tpid', `limit_ftid` = '$limit_ftid', `view_shoutbox` = '$allow_shoutbox', `limit_users` = '$limit_users' WHERE `u_id` ='$uid' LIMIT 1 ;"; DataBase::sql_query($sql,CRITICAL,'Could not update user information'); } function UpdateAdminPools($uid, $posts, $rank, $active, $nick) { $sql ="UPDATE `".USERS_TABLE."` SET `posts` = '$posts', `rank` = '$rank', `active` = '$active', `nick` = '$nick' WHERE `u_id` ='$uid' LIMIT 1 ;"; DataBase::sql_query($sql,CRITICAL,'Could not update user information'); } function UpdatePassword($uid, $pass) { $sql ="UPDATE `".USERS_TABLE."` SET `pass` = '$pass' WHERE `u_id` ='$uid' LIMIT 1 ;"; DataBase::sql_query($sql,CRITICAL,'Could not update user information'); } function CreateProfile($nick, $pass, $email, $gg, $allow_gg, $allow_email, $allow_qr, $sig, $av, $interests) { global $forum_config; $last = DataBase::new_id(USERS_TABLE); $time = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']; $sql = "INSERT INTO ".USERS_TABLE." VALUES ('$last', '$nick', '$pass', '$email', '0', '$time', '0', '$gg', '$allow_gg', '$allow_email', '$allow_qr', '".$forum_config['view_shoutbox']."', '".$forum_config['defaultskin']."', '".$forum_config['defaultlang']."','".$forum_config['limit_tpid']."', '".$forum_config['limit_ftid']."', '".$forum_config['limit_users']."', '$sig', '$av', '1','0','$interests');"; DataBase::sql_query($sql,CRITICAL,'Could not create new user'); } function UserPMs() { $uid = $_SESSION['uid']; if($uid>0) { $sql = "SELECT count(*) as `m_id` FROM ".PM_INBOX_TABLE." WHERE `u_id`='$uid' AND `read`='0'"; $result = DataBase::fetch(DataBase::sql_query($sql,GENERAL,'Could not obtain amounts PM of User.')); $result = $result['m_id']; if ($result>0) { return ''.$result.''; } else { return $result; } } } function UserAddWarn($uid, $value, $motive) { global $lng; $sql = "INSERT INTO `".WARNINGS_TABLE."` ( `w_id` , `u_id` , `value` , `motive` ) VALUES('','$uid','$value','$motive');"; DataBase::sql_query($sql,GENERAL,'Could not add new warn.'); if (User::UserLevelWarns($uid)==100) { $ban_ip = ''; $ban_uid = $uid; $ban_motive = $lng['warns_ban']; $sql = "INSERT INTO ".BANLIST_TABLE." VALUES ('', '$ban_uid', '$ban_ip', '$ban_motive')"; DataBase::sql_query($sql,GENERAL,'Could not update add ban.'); } } function UserLevelWarns($uid) { $level =0; $sql = "SELECT `u_id`,`value` FROM `".WARNINGS_TABLE."` WHERE `u_id`='$uid'"; $query = DataBase::sql_query($sql,'GENERAL','Could not obtain user warns information'); $result = DataBase::num_rows($query); while ($result = @DataBase::fetch($query)) { if ($result['value']=='-') { $level = $level -1; } else { $level = $level +1; } } //version 1.0 Alpha 2 //delete second query if ($level>0) { $level = $level*10; } return $level; } } ?>