- <?php
- /**
- * @package uForum
- * @file posting.php
- * @version $Id$
- * @copyright 2009(c) PioDer <pioder@wp.pl>
- * @link http://pioder.gim2przemysl.int.pl/
- * @license GNU GPL v3
- **/
- define('IN_uF', true);
- //include files
- include('./config.php');
- include('./includes/constants.php');
- include('./includes/class_db.php');
- include('./includes/class_error.php');
- //connect to database
- DataBase::db_connect();
- include('./includes/sessions.php');
- include('./includes/class_user.php');
- include('./common.php');
- include('./includes/class_overall.php');
- include('./includes/class_forum.php');
- include('./includes/class_posting.php');
- include('./includes/class_topic.php');
- include('./includes/classes/secure.php');
- include('./lngs/'.Over::DefaultLang().'/main.php');
- $start = Over::TimeGeneration();
- $default_skin = Over::ViewSkinName();
- sess_del_invalid($_SESSION['uid']);
- sess_register($_SESSION['uid']);
- sess_delete_old();
- $msg='';
- if ($_SESSION['uid']<1)
- {
- message_forum($lng['youarenotlogd'],'login.php?mode=login');
- }
- foreach ($_POST as $name => $value)
- {
- if ($forum_config['use_censorlist'])
- {
- $_POST[$name] = Secure::UseCensorlist($value);
- }
- }
- $start = Over::TimeGeneration();
- //add skin variables
- $skin = array(
- 'smiles'=>Post::SmilesShow(),
- //labels
- 'lsmiles'=>$lng['smiles'],
- 'ltopicname'=>$lng['ltopicname'],
- 'lsave'=>$lng['save'],
- 'lreset'=>$lng['reset'],
- 'lmsg'=>$lng['message'],
- 'lsticky_topic'=>$lng['sticky_topic'],
- 'lwritetopic'=>$lng['writetopic'],
- );
- $skin = array_push_associative($skin, Over::generate_header('',''));
- $stop = Over::TimeGeneration();
- $skin['queries'] = Over::ShowQueries($start, $stop);
- if(RANK=='2')
- {
- $skin['pa_link']='<a href="admin/index.php" class="fsmall"><b>'.$lng['pa_link'].'</b></a>';
- }
- else
- {
- $skin['pa_link']='';
- }
- switch(trim($_GET['mode']))
- {
- /**
- *
- functions for reply: normal, editing, quoting...
- *
- **/
- case 'qpost': //quote post
- {
- $msg ='';
- if (isset($_POST['textedit']))
- {
- if (($_POST['textedit'] !='' ) and (strlen(trim($_POST['textedit']))>10))
- {
- if (isset($_COOKIE['antiflood_time']))
- {
- if ($_COOKIE['antiflood_time']>time())
- {
- message_forum($lng['antiflood_enabled'],$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- setcookie('antiflood_time',(time() + $forum_config['time_antiflood']));
- }
- $_POST['textedit'] = Secure::TagsReplace($_POST['textedit']);
- $id = Post::NewPost(intval($_GET['t']),$_POST['textedit'], $_SESSION['uid']);
- $count = ceil(($id / 15 ));
- if ($count >1)
- {
- $page= '&page='.$count;
- }
- else
- {
- $page='';
- }
- $stop = Over::TimeGeneration();
- message_forum($lng['post_is_saved'],'topic.php?t='.$_GET['t'].$page.'#'.$id);
- }
- else
- {
- $message = $lng['perror_1'];
- $msg = './skins/'.$default_skin.'/post_error_body.tpl';
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $_POST['textedit']='[quote]'.stripslashes(Topic::PostInformation($_GET['id'],'text')).'[/quote]';
- }
- Secure::topic_exists(intval($_GET['t']));
- Secure::TopicLocked(intval($_GET['t']));
- $skin['mainpage'] = $lng['quote'];
- $skin['lmainpage'] = '</a>> <a href="posting.php?mode=qpost&id='.$_GET['id'].'&t='.$_GET['t'].'"
- class="navigator">'.$lng['quote'];
- $skin['f_id'] = $_GET['id'];
- $skin['action'] = 'posting.php?mode=qpost&id='.$_GET['id'].'&t='.$_GET['t'];
- if ($msg=='')
- {
- $msg='./skins/'.$default_skin.'/blank.tpl';
- }
- include('./skins/'.$default_skin.'/overall_header.tpl');
- include('./skins/'.$default_skin.'/posting_body.tpl');
- include('./skins/'.$default_skin.'/overall_footer.tpl');
- break;
- }
- case 'edit': //edit post
- {
- if ((User::RankAdminMod($_SESSION['uid'])) or ($_SESSION['uid']==Topic::PostInformation($_GET['id'],'u_id')))
- {
- $msg ='';
- if (isset($_POST['textedit']))
- {
- if (($_POST['textedit'] !='' ) and (strlen(trim($_POST['textedit']))>10))
- {
- if (isset($_COOKIE['antiflood_time']))
- {
- if ($_COOKIE['antiflood_time']>time())
- {
- message_forum($lng['antiflood_enabled'],$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- setcookie('antiflood_time',(time() + $forum_config['time_antiflood']));
- }
- $_POST['textedit'] = Secure::TagsReplace($_POST['textedit']);
- Post::EditPost(intval($_GET['id']),$_POST['textedit']);
- $count = ceil((Topic::PostInformation(intval($_GET['id']),'tp_id') / 15 ));
- if ($count >1)
- {
- $page= '&page='.$count;
- }
- else
- {
- $page='';
- }
- $stop = Over::TimeGeneration();
- message_forum($lng['post_is_saved'],'topic.php?t='.Topic::PostInformation(intval($_GET['id']),'t_id').$page.'#p'.$_GET['id']);
- }
- else
- {
- $message = $lng['perror_1'];
- $msg = './skins/'.$default_skin.'/post_error_body.tpl';
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $_POST['textedit']=stripslashes(Topic::PostInformation($_GET['id'],'text'));
- }
- }
- $skin['mainpage'] = $lng['editpost'];
- $skin['lmainpage'] = '</a>> <a href="posting.php?mode=edit&id='.intval($_GET['id']).'"
- class="navigator">'.$lng['editpost'];
- $skin['f_id'] = intval($_GET['id']);
- $skin['action'] = 'posting.php?mode=edit&id='.intval($_GET['id']);
- if ($msg=='')
- {
- $msg='./skins/'.$default_skin.'/blank.tpl';
- }
- include('./skins/'.$default_skin.'/overall_header.tpl');
- include('./skins/'.$default_skin.'/posting_body.tpl');
- include('./skins/'.$default_skin.'/overall_footer.tpl');
- break;
- }
- case 'rpost': //reply post
- {
- $msg ='';
- if (isset($_POST['textedit']))
- {
- if (($_POST['textedit'] !='' ) and (strlen(trim($_POST['textedit']))>10))
- {
- if (isset($_COOKIE['antiflood']))
- {
- if ($_COOKIE['antiflood_time']>time())
- {
- message_forum($lng['antiflood_enabled'],$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- setcookie('antiflood_time',(time() + $forum_config['time_antiflood']));
- }
- $_POST['textedit'] = Secure::TagsReplace($_POST['textedit']);
- $id = Post::NewPost(intval($_GET['id']),$_POST['textedit'], $_SESSION['uid']);
- $count =ceil(($id / 15 ));
- if ($count >1)
- {
- $page= '&page='.$count;
- }
- else
- {
- $page='';
- }
- $stop = Over::TimeGeneration();
- message_forum($lng['post_is_saved'],'topic.php?t='.$_GET['id'].$page.'#p'.$id);
- }
- else
- {
- $message = $lng['perror_1'];
- $msg = './skins/'.$default_skin.'/post_error_body.tpl';
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $_POST['textedit']='';
- }
- Secure::topic_exists(intval($_GET['id']));
- Secure::TopicLocked(intval($_GET['id']));
- $skin['mainpage'] = $lng['answer'].': '.Topic::TopicInformation(intval($_GET['id']),'name');
- $skin['lmainpage'] = '</a>> <a href="posting.php?mode=rpost&id='.intval($_GET['id']).'"
- class="navigator">'.$lng['answer'].': </a><a href="topic.php?t='.$_GET['id'].'"
- class="navigator">'.Topic::TopicInformation(intval($_GET['id']),'name');
- $skin['f_id'] = $_GET['id'];
- $skin['action'] = 'posting.php?mode=rpost&id='.$_GET['id'];
- if ($msg=='')
- {
- $msg='./skins/'.$default_skin.'/blank.tpl';
- }
- include('./skins/'.$default_skin.'/overall_header.tpl');
- include('./skins/'.$default_skin.'/posting_body.tpl');
- include('./skins/'.$default_skin.'/overall_footer.tpl');
- break;
- }
- /**
- *
- Select new TOPIC
- *
- **/
- case 'ntopic': //new topic
- {
- $msg ='';
- if ((isset($_POST['textedit'])) and (isset($_POST['ntopic'])))
- {
- if (($_POST['textedit'] !='' ) and ($_POST['ntopic']!='') and (strlen(trim($_POST['textedit']))>10) and (strlen(trim($_POST['ntopic']))>5))
- {
- $_POST['textedit'] = Secure::TagsReplace($_POST['textedit']);
- if (isset($_COOKIE['antiflood_time']))
- {
- if ($_COOKIE['antiflood_time']>time())
- {
- message_forum($lng['antiflood_enabled'],$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- setcookie('antiflood_time',(time() + $forum_config['time_antiflood']));
- }
- $_POST['ntopic'] = strip_tags(addslashes($_POST['ntopic']));
- if (isset($_POST['topic_sticky']))
- {
- $_POST['topic_sticky']='1';
- }
- else
- {
- $_POST['topic_sticky']='0';
- }
- $last = Post::NewTopic($_POST['textedit'],$_POST['ntopic'], intval($_GET['f']), $_SESSION['uid'], $_POST['topic_sticky']);
- $stop = Over::TimeGeneration();
- message_forum($lng['post_is_saved'],'topic.php?t='.$last);
- }
- else
- {
- $message = $lng['perror_1'];
- $msg = './skins/'.$default_skin.'/post_error_body.tpl';
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $_POST['ntopic'] = '';
- $_POST['textedit']='';
- }
- $sql = "SELECT `lock`, `name`, `f_id` FROM ".FORUMS_TABLE." WHERE `f_id`='".intval($_GET['f'])."'";
- $forum = mysql_fetch_array(DataBase::sql_query($sql, 'GENERAL', 'Could not obtain forum information'));
- if($forum['name']=='')
- {
- message_forum($lng['no_forum'], 'index.php');
- }
- if($forum['lock']=='1')
- {
- message_forum($lng['no_posting_forum_locked'],'index.php');
- }
- $skin['mainpage'] = $lng['writetopic'];
- $skin['action'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
- $skin['lmainpage'] = '</a>> <a href="forum.php?f='.$_GET['f'].'" class="navigator">'.$forum['name'].'</a> ><a href="posting.php?mode=ntopic&f='.$_GET['f'].'" class="navigator">'.$lng['writetopic'];
- $skin['f_id']=$_GET['f'];
- if ($msg=='')
- {
- $msg='./skins/'.$default_skin.'/blank.tpl';
- }
- include('./skins/'.$default_skin.'/overall_header.tpl');
- include('./skins/'.$default_skin.'/posting_body.tpl');
- include('./skins/'.$default_skin.'/overall_footer.tpl');
- break;
- }
- // if no mode... :D
- default:
- {
- $stop = Over::TimeGeneration();
- message_forum($lng['invalidmode'],'index.php');
- break;
- }
- }