- <?php
- /**
- * @package Dynamic Script Forum
- * @file install/index.php
- * @version 1.0.x, 28-07-2008, 18:16
- * @copyright 2008(c) PioDer <pioder@wp.pl>
- * @link http://pioder.gim2przemysl.int.pl/dsf.html
- * @license GNU GPL v3
- **/
- define('IN_uF',true);
- include('./../config.php');
- include('./../includes/constants.php');
- include('./../includes/class_error.php');
- include('./../includes/class_db.php');
- include('./functions_add.php');
- include('./../admin/check_script_data.php');
- if (ini_get('short_open_tag')==0)
- {
- die('<font color="red" size="4">Please enable <b>short_open_tag</b> in PHP configuration. Aborted!</font>');
- }
- if(get_magic_quotes_gpc())
- {
- die('<font color="red" size="4">Please disable <b>magic_quotes_gpc</b> in PHP configuration. Aborted!</font>');
- }
- if(ini_get('register_globals'))
- {
- die('<font color="red" size="4">Please disable <b>register_globals</b> in PHP configuration. Aborted!</font>');
- }
- $count =0;
- for($i=0; $i<count($script_files);$i++)
- {
- $actual = check_size_md5($script_files[$i]);
- $rule = $size_md5[$script_files[$i]];
- if ($actual!=$rule)
- {
- $count +=1;
- }
- }
- {
- header('Location: ../index.php');
- }
- if (!isset($_GET['page']))
- {
- header('Location: index.php?page=step1');
- }
- if(!isset($_COOKIE['lang']))
- {
- $_COOKIE['lang']='Polish';
- }
- if (@is_file('./../lngs/'.$_COOKIE['lang'].'/install.php'))
- {
- include('./../lngs/'.$_COOKIE['lang'].'/install.php');
- }
- $header = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
- <head>
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
- <title>µForum Installer</title>
- <style type="text/css">
- body
- {
- font-family: Verdana;
- font-color: black;
- font-size: 11px;
- }
- </style>
- </head>
- <body class="body">
- <center>
- <div align="center" style="width: 748px; background-color: #EBEBEB">
- <table class="maintable" width="748">
- <tr><td align="center" colspan="2"><font face="Verdana" style="font-size: 24pt"><b>'.$lng['install_header'].'</b></font></td></tr>';
- switch($_GET['page'])
- {
- case 'step1':
- {
- if (isset($_POST['lang']))
- {
- setcookie('lang',$_POST['lang'], time()+360000000);
- header('Location: index.php?page=step2');
- }
- else
- {
- echo $header.'
- <tr><td width="748" height="400" align="center">
- <span class="fstandard"><b>Select a language:</b>
- <form action="index.php?page=step1" method="POST">
- <select style="width: 150px" onchange="this.form.submit()" name="lang">
- <option value="Polish"> </option>
- '.AddLangs(false).'
- </select></td></tr></table></div></center></body></html>';
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'step2':
- {
- if (isset($_POST['accept']))
- {
- header('Location: index.php?page=step3');
- }
- else
- {
- echo $header.'
- <tr><td align="center"><span class="fstandard"><b>'.$lng['licence'].'</b></td></tr>
- <tr><td width="748" align="center">
- <form action="index.php?page=step2" method="POST">
- <iframe width="748" height="500" src="licence.html">
- Sorry, you browser doesn\'t support frames</iframe>
- <input type="submit" class="fbutton" value="'.$lng['accept_licence'].'"
- <input type="hidden" name="accept">
- </td></tr></table></div></body></html>';
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'step3':
- {
- if (isset($_POST['next']))
- {
- header('Location: index.php?page=step4');
- }
- else
- {
- $bad = 0;
- if (!@is_writable($folders[0])) { $bad =+1; }
- if (!@is_writable($folders[1])) { $bad =+1; }
- if (!@is_writable($folders[2])) { $bad =+1; }
- if (phpversion()<'4.3.10') { $bad=+1; }
- if (mysql_get_client_info()<'4.1') { $bad =+1; }
- if ($count>1) { $bad =+1; }
- echo $header;
- $skin=array(
- 'L.name'=>$lng['name'],
- 'L.value'=>$lng['value'],
- 'L.php_version'=>$lng['php_version'],
- 'PHP.version'=>phpversion(),
- 'PHP.value' => (phpversion()>='4.3.10') ? '<font color="green">OK</font>' : ' <font color="red">Error - No OK</font>',
- 'mySQL.version'=>mysql_get_client_info(),
- 'L.mySQL_version'=>$lng['mysql_version'],
- 'mySQL.value'=>(mysql_get_client_info()>='4.1') ? '<font color="green">OK</font>' : ' <font color="red">Error - No OK</font>',
- 'L.cat_name'=>$lng['catalog'],
- 'cat1.name'=> $folders[0],
- 'cat1.value'=> (@is_writable($folders[0])) ? '<font color="green">'.$lng['is_writable'].' - OK</font>' : '<font color="red">'.$lng['not_writable'].' Error - No OK</font>',
- 'cat2.name'=> $folders[1],
- 'cat2.value'=> (@is_writable($folders[1])) ? '<font color="green">'.$lng['is_writable'].' - OK</font>' : '<font color="red">'.$lng['not_writable'].' Error - No OK</font>',
- 'cat3.name'=> $folders[2],
- 'cat3.value'=> (@is_writable($folders[2])) ? '<font color="green">'.$lng['is_writable'].' - OK</font>' : '<font color="red">'.$lng['not_writable'].' Error - No OK</font>',
- 'successfully' => ($count <1) ? '<font color="green">'.$lng['files_is_good'].' ('.count($script_files).')</font>' : '<font color="red">'.$lng['files_not_good'].' ('.$count.')</font>'
- );
- include('./tpls/install_check_script.tpl');
- for($i=0; $i<count($script_files);$i++)
- {
- $actual = check_size_md5($script_files[$i]);
- $rule = $size_md5[$script_files[$i]];
- if ($actual!=$rule)
- {
- $skin=array(
- 'L.sum_actual'=>$lng['actual_sum'],
- 'sum_actual'=>$actual,
- 'L.invalid_md5sum'=>$lng['invalid_md5sum'].' ('.substr($script_files[$i], strrpos($script_files[$i], '/') + 1, strlen($script_files[$i])).')'
- );
- include('./tpls/invalidfile_body.tpl');
- }
- }
- echo '<form action="index.php?page=step3" method="POST"><input type="hidden" name="next">';
- if ($bad>0)
- {
- echo '<input type="button" class="fbutton" value="'.$lng['no_next_page'].'"><br>';
- echo '<a href="index.php?page=step4">'.$lng['click_next'].'</a>';
- }
- else
- {
- echo '<input type="submit" class="fbutton" value="'.$lng['next_page'].'">';
- }
- echo '</form>';
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'step4':
- {
- if (isset($_POST['mysql_host'],$_POST['database'],$_POST['mysql_prefix'],$_POST['mysql_user'],$_POST['mysql_pass']))
- {
- $open = @fopen('../config.php','a+');
- $config_file = @fread($open,@filesize('../config.php'));
- $config_file = str_replace('%host%',strip_tags($_POST['mysql_host']),$config_file);
- $config_file = str_replace('%user%',strip_tags($_POST['mysql_user']),$config_file);
- $config_file = str_replace('%pass%',strip_tags($_POST['mysql_pass']),$config_file);
- $config_file = str_replace('%dbname%',strip_tags($_POST['database']),$config_file);
- $config_file = str_replace('%dbprefix%',strip_tags($_POST['mysql_prefix']),$config_file);
- $connect = @mysql_connect($_POST['mysql_host'],$_POST['mysql_user'],$_POST['mysql_pass']) or message_die('GENERAL','Could not connect to database server. Error with installation!',@mysql_error());
- @fwrite(@fopen('../config.php','w'),$config_file) or message_die('GENERAL','Could not write config file. Error with installation!','');
- @mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'",$connect);
- @mysql_select_db($_POST['database'],$connect) or message_die('GENERAL','Could not connect to database. Error with installation!',@mysql_error());
- include('./../includes/sql_parse.php');
- $sql = @fread(@fopen('uf_tables.sql','r'),@filesize('uf_tables.sql'));
- $sql = preg_replace('/uf_/', $_POST['mysql_prefix'], $sql);
- $sql = remove_remarks($sql);
- $sql = split_sql_file($sql);
- for ($i=0;$i<count($sql);$i++)
- {
- DataBase::sql_query($sql[$i],'ERROR','Error of SQL Query: '.$sql[$i].' Error with install script!');
- }
- DataBase::sql_query("UPDATE `".$_POST['mysql_prefix']."config` SET `value`='".time()."' WHERE `name`='date_install'",'GENERAL','Could not update date install information');
- $patch = substr('http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],0 ,-strlen('install/index.php?page=step4'));
- DataBase::sql_query("UPDATE `".$_POST['mysql_prefix']."config` SET `value`='".$patch."' WHERE `name`='forumpatch'",'GENERAL','Could not update date install information');
- header('Location: index.php?page=step5');
- }
- else
- {
- if (!isset($_POST['database'])) { $_POST['database']=''; }
- if (!isset($_POST['mysql_user'])) { $_POST['mysql_user']=''; }
- if (!isset($_POST['mysql_pass'])) { $_POST['mysql_pass']=''; }
- }
- echo $header;
- $skin = array(
- 'L.mysql_host'=>$lng['mysql_host'],
- 'L.mysql_user'=>$lng['mysql_user'],
- 'L.database'=>$lng['db_name'],
- 'L.mysql_pass'=>$lng['mysql_pass'],
- 'L.mysql_prefix'=>$lng['mysql_prefix'],
- 'L.submit'=>$lng['start_install'],
- );
- include('./tpls/install_step4.tpl');
- break;
- }
- case 'step5':
- {
- echo $header.'<tr><td class="fitem" align="center"><span class="fstandard">'.$lng['install_complete'].'</span></td></tr></table><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1.5; url=index.php?page=step6"></body></html>';
- break;
- }
- case 'step6':
- {
- DataBase::db_connect();
- if (isset($_POST['user_name'],$_POST['password'],$_POST['retype_password'],$_POST['email']))
- {
- if ($_POST['password']==$_POST['retype_password'])
- {
- if (ereg("^.+@.+\..+$", $_POST['email']))
- {
- $sql = "UPDATE `".USERS_TABLE."` SET
- `nick`='".htmlspecialchars($_POST['user_name'])."',
- `pass`='".md5(htmlspecialchars($_POST['password']))."',
- `email`='".htmlspecialchars($_POST['email'])."',
- `lang`= '".$_COOKIE['lang']."',
- `regdate`='".time()."',
- `lastvisit`='".time()."'
- WHERE `u_id`='1';";
- DataBase::sql_query($sql,'CRITICAL','Could not update user. Error with install script!');
- $sql = "UPDATE `".POSTS_TABLE."` SET `ptime`='".time()."' WHERE `p_id`='1'";
- DataBase::sql_query($sql,'CRITICAL','Could not update post. Error with install script!');
- $sql = "UPDATE `".TOPICS_TABLE."` SET `lastpost_time`='".time()."' WHERE `t_id`='1'";
- DataBase::sql_query($sql,'CRITICAL','Could not update topic. Error with install script!');
- header('Location: index.php?page=step7');
- }
- else
- {
- alert($lng['invalid_email']);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- alert($lng['invalid_passwords']);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!isset($_POST['user_name'])) { $_POST['user_name'] = ''; }
- if (!isset($_POST['email'])) { $_POST['email'] = ''; }
- $_POST['password'] = '';
- $_POST['retype_password'] = '';
- }
- echo $header;
- $skin = array(
- 'L.user_name'=>$lng['user_name'],
- 'L.password'=>$lng['password'],
- 'L.retype_password'=>$lng['retype_password'],
- 'L.email'=>$lng['email'],
- 'L.submit'=>$lng['save']
- );
- include('./tpls/install_step6.tpl');
- break;
- }
- case 'step7':
- {
- $open = @fopen('../config.php','a+');
- $config_file = @fread($open,@filesize('../config.php'));
- $config_file = str_replace('false','true',$config_file);
- @fwrite(@fopen('../config.php','w'),$config_file) or message_die('GENERAL','Could not write config file. Error with installation!','');
- echo $header.'<tr><td class="fitem" align="center"><span class="fstandard">'.$lng['info_2'].'</span></td></tr></table><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="4; url=../index.php"></body></html>';
- break;
- }
- }
- ?>